The Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology in Pfinztal near Karlsruhe in Germany and the company Impetus Afea AS from Flekkefjord in Norway have signed a joint declaration of intent, setting out a five-year collaboration in research and development.

Impetus DEFENSE enables the simulation of extreme mechanical stressloads for applications in defense and aerospace, such as those caused by projectiles and explosives. Many manufacturers of military vehicles, weapons and ammunition, as well as suppliers of protection systems and armor, use the software along with its digital twins to develop and improve their products.
Fraunhofer ICT is one of Europe’s leading research institutes in the field of explosives research. Fraunhofer ICT conducts research into gun propellant systems, rocket propulsion systems, pyrotechnic systems, military explosives and the detection and safety of energetic materials, thus contributing to national and international security in Germany and Europe.
The collaboration between Fraunhofer ICT and Impetus will include research and development within joint projects in the following areas:
- The characterization and digital reproduction of energetic materials as digital twins
- The development and description of new energetic materials and their formulations
- The development of models for the ignition behavior of propellants and the initiation of highly explosive materials
- Verification and validation tests for novel models of interior ballistics
- The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in defense and/or space applications.
We are delighted to strengthen our collaboration and look forward to develop new projects together!