The leading system for weapons effect simulations

Impetus Solver is a software package for simulating extreme mechanics.

It is a versatile solution designed to meet the needs of both weapons and protective structures developers.

Ideal for demanding engineering problems

Prepared for virtually any task within the realm of transient dynamics, including terminal ballistics, structural response, blast loading and shaped charge applications.

More about DEFENSE
Tank from the side

Highly accurate air blast loading and structural response, mine blast, fragmentation and terminal ballistics

Our system offers a dedicated GPU driven computational engine, prioritising accuracy above all else. It encompasses a comprehensive range of material classes and is designed to handle extreme responses.

Additionally, it provides access to libraries of pre-calibrated threats and protective materials.

More about DEFENSE

OUR Advanced suite of engines

Specifically developed for extreme mechanics

Finite Element engine

Explicit Lagrangian thermo-mechanical solver with unique higher order elements. Can handle very large deformations.

Discrete Particle engine

User-friendly and accurate simulation of IEDs in soil and sand, GPU accelerated with reliable coupling to our FE Engine.

Surface SPH

State of the art simulation of materials undergoing extremely large deformations, full coupling to our CFD Solver via surface tracking.

Computational Fluid Dynamics

For Contact Detonation, Fragmentation, Interior ballistics, Blast Loading, Shaped Charge, EFP and Hyper-velocity Aerodynamics.

V/L tool

The discrete particle engine excels in handling highly intricate fluid-structure interactions, making it ideal for scenarios like buried mine blasts and the response of geometrically complex vehicle models.

Vulnerable Area Assessment tool

Identify vulnerable areas in armour and quantify capacity across angles of attack, handle edge effects, gaps, heat-affected zones and more.

3D model of a computer monitor showing a tank in IMPETUS Solver GUI

graphical user interface

The Impetus user interface provides many of the essential functions you need in one simple application. We have combined project manager, editor, job manager, pre-processor, post-processor and plot functionality to enable seamless workflows through all steps in a project.

This combined with multi-user job management, advanced GPU acceleration, cloud computing services and access to our online objects marketplace allows your organisation to create the most efficient processes for challenging simulation tasks.

Our engineers will help you select and calibrate appropriate project simulations to best determine whether Impetus Solver is the best fit for your needs.

Our products

Our system is built for simulations of extreme mechanics.
Currently we have two product offerings, Impetus BASIC and Impetus DEFENSE.

Ideal for civilian engineering applications

Our standard software suite includes all the functions necessary for complex engineering tests and simulation work relevant to civilian use, with a velocity cap† for nodes of 500 m/s.

Included is our Finite Element engine, access to our library of objects and materials on Impetus MARKET and the ability to subscribe to our Impetus CLOUD service.

Container exposed to loading
Defense logo

Specifically designed for defense applications

This software package provides advanced functionality necessary for military applications, such as ballistics, underwater explosions and air blast.

Included are all our computational engines, access to our library of objects and materials on Impetus MARKET and the ability to subscribe to our Cloud Services platform.

High quality pre-calibrated materials library

Sourcing or creating the right assets for use in projects can be time consuming and expensive. Our sharing platform offers users the chance to download pre-prepared assets, saving time and resources.

Meshes, test templates, projectiles and materials are packaged as binary files and contain extensive documentation, meta data and support information.

Users can also upload their own datasets for licensing and distribution to the community.

Large tablet screen with Impetus MARKET
Impetus MARKET montage
Cloud logo

Secure & scalable GPU resources

Our secure CLOUD service offers flexible access to scalable GPU processing from anywhere in the world. We are ISO 27001 certified.

Our solution provides high performance computing without the need for localised investment in hardware and maintenance.

More about cloud