Deprecated command
As a consequence of γSPH offboarding, this command will no longer work from June 1, 2025.
eosid, $a$, $b$, $A$, $B$, $\alpha$, $\beta$, $e_0$
$e_{IV}$, $e_{CV}$, $\eta_{min}$, $\eta_{max}$, $p_{spall}$
eosid, $a$, $b$, $A$, $B$, $\alpha$, $\beta$, $e_0$
$e_{IV}$, $e_{CV}$, $\eta_{min}$, $\eta_{max}$, $p_{spall}$
Parameter definition
Unique EOS identification number
Tillotson parameter
Tillotson parameter
Bulk modulus
Tillotson parameter
Tillotson parameter
Tillotson parameter
Initial specific internal energy
Incipient vaporization specific energy
Complete vaporization specific energy
Compression threshold
Compression threshold
Spall pressure
This command is only supported by $\gamma SPH$.
State 1 - For compressed states where $\rho \geq \rho_0, e \geq 0$.
$\displaystyle{ p_1(\rho, e) = \left[ a - \frac{b}{\frac{e}{e_0 \eta^2} + 1} \right] \rho e + A \mu + B \mu^2 }$
where $\eta = \rho / \rho_0$ and $\mu = \eta - 1$.
State 2 - For cold expanded states where $\rho_0 \gt \rho, e \leq e_{IV}$.
$\displaystyle{ p_2(\rho, e) = \left[ a - \frac{b}{\frac{e}{e_0 \eta^2} + 1} \right] \rho e + A \mu + B \mu^2 }$
State 3 - For a mixed state $\rho_0 \gt \rho, e_{CV} \gt e \gt e_{IV}$.
$\displaystyle{ p_3(\rho, e) = \frac{(e - e_{IV}) p_4 + (e_{CV} - e) p_2}{e_{CV} - e} }$
State 4 - For hot expanded states where $\rho_0 \gt \rho, e \geq e_{CV}$.
$\displaystyle{ p_4(\rho, e) = a \rho e + \left[ \frac{b \rho e}{\frac{e}{e_0 \eta^2} + 1} + A \mu {\mathrm e}^{ -\beta \left( \frac{1}{\eta} - 1 \right) } \right] {\mathrm e}^{-\alpha \left( \frac{1}{\eta} - 1 \right)^2} }$
For condensed states (state $\leq 2$) and if $p \lt p_{spall}$, particle spalls and $p \lt 0$ is never allowed.