
"Optional title"
coid, pid, $x_0$, $y_0$, $z_0$, fixed, $t_{beg}$, $t_{end}$
$n_x$, $n_y$, $n_z$

Parameter definition

Sensor ID
ID of part where the sensor is located
Initial x-coordinate of sensor
Initial y-coordinate of sensor
Initial z-coordinate of sensor
Flag to fix sensor in space
0 $\rightarrow$ sensor follows material
1 $\rightarrow$ sensor is fixed in space
Sensor activation time
default: 0
Sensor deactivation time
default: 1.0e20
x-component of thickness measuring direction
default: not used
y-component of thickness measuring direction
default: not used
z-component of thickness measuring direction
default: not used


This command is used to sample the thickness of a part at a given location or material point. The measured thickness is written to sensor_thickness.out. In FUNCTION the thickess can be accessed through thicks(coid).

The vector defining the the thickness measuring direction is optional. It only needs to be specified in situations where the nearest point on the external surface is not defining the thickness direction. The example below shows such a situation. As the workpiece moves forward in positive x-direction, the sensor first reaches the front face of the workpiece. This face does not represent the thickness direction and it should therefore not be used in the measurement. Hence, it is necessary to manually define a vector, in this specific case $(n_x,n_y,n_z)=(0,0,1)$ .


Adjust vertical position of rolls using a thickness sensor

A complete model of a rolling process. The vertical motion of the rolls is adjusted to reach a target thickness of the workpiece.

Command file:

*UNIT_SYSTEM SI *PARAMETER W = 0.01, "width of workpiece" L = 1.0, "length of workpiece" h = 0.08, "initial thickness of workpiece" h_target = 0.06, "target thickness of workpiece" R1 = 0.06, "roll radius 1" R2 = 0.08, "roll radius 2" R3 = 0.12, "roll radius 3" v0 = 0.1, "rolling speed" # # --- INCLUDE PYTHON SCRIPT --- # *SCRIPT_PYTHON rolls.py # # --- TIME and OUTPUT --- # *TIME [%L/%v0], 0, 1.0e-5 *OUTPUT_SENSOR_THICKNESS "sensor 1" 1, 1, [%R3/4], 0.0, 0.0, 1 0, 0, 1 # # --- MESH --- # *COMPONENT_BOX "workpiece" 1, 1, 50, 1, 4 [-%L], [-%W/2], [-%h/2], 0, [%W/2], [%h/2] *COMPONENT_PIPE "upper roll - core" 2, 2, 1, 24, 1 0, [-%W/2], [%h/2+%R3], 0, [%W/2], [%h/2+%R3], [%R1], [%R2] *COMPONENT_PIPE "upper roll - rubber" 3, 3, 1, 24, 2 0, [-%W/2], [%h/2+%R3], 0, [%W/2], [%h/2+%R3], [%R2], [%R3] *COMPONENT_PIPE "lower roll - core" 4, 4, 1, 24, 1 0, [-%W/2], [-%h/2-%R3], 0, [%W/2], [-%h/2-%R3], [%R1], [%R2] *COMPONENT_PIPE "lower roll - rubber" 5, 5, 1, 24, 2 0, [-%W/2], [-%h/2-%R3], 0, [%W/2], [-%h/2-%R3], [%R2], [%R3] *CHANGE_P-ORDER ALL, 0, 3 *SMOOTH_MESH ALL, 0, 45.0, 1 *MERGE_DUPLICATED_NODES P, 2, P, 3, 1.0e-5 P, 4, P, 5, 1.0e-5 # # --- MATERIALS --- # *MAT_METAL "workpiece" 1, 1000.0, 1.0e9, 0.49 1 *FUNCTION 1 3.0e6 *MAT_RIGID "roll - core" 2, 7800.0 *MAT_MOONEY_RIVLIN "roll - rubber" 3, 1500.0, 1.0e9 1.0e6, 1.0e6 # # --- PARTS --- # *PART "workpiece" 1, 1 "upper roll - core" 2, 2 "upper roll - rubber" 3, 3 "lower roll - core" 4, 2 "lower roll - rubber" 5, 3 # # --- INITIAL VELOCITY --- # *INITIAL_VELOCITY P, 1, [%v0] *INITIAL_VELOCITY PS, 23, 0, 0, 0, 0, [-%v0/%R3], 0 0, 0, [%h/2+%R3] *INITIAL_VELOCITY PS, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, [%v0/%R3], 0 0, 0, [-%h/2-%R3] *SET_PART 23 2, 3 *SET_PART 45 4, 5 # # --- BOUNDARY CONDITIONS and CONTACT --- # *BC_MOTION "upper roll" 2 P, 2, XY, ZX V, Z, 1000, -1.0 V, RY, 1001, -1.0 *BC_MOTION "lower roll" 4 P, 4, XY, ZX V, Z, 1000 V, RY, 1001 *FUNCTION 1000 rolls.adjust(thicks(1), %h_target) *FUNCTION 1001 %v0/%R3 *CONTACT "general" 1 ALL, 0, ALL, 0, 0.3 *BC_SYMMETRY 0, 1, 2 *COORDINATE_SYSTEM_FIXED 1, [-%L/2], [-%W/2], 0 *COORDINATE_SYSTEM_FIXED 2, [-%L/2], [%W/2], 0 *END

Python script rolls.py:

# h_actual = current thickness at sensor
# h_target = target thickness at sensor
def adjust(h_actual, h_target):
if (h_actual > 0):
vertical_velocity = h_actual - h_target
vertical_velocity = 0
return vertical_velocity