"Optional title"
type, gid, follow
$\rho$, $A$, $B$, $R_1$, $R_2$, $\omega$, $e_0$, $D$
$e_{ab}$, $t_{ab}$, $C_v$

Parameter definition

Subdomain ID
High explosive type
preset $\rightarrow$ see list below
user $\rightarrow$ user defined
mid $\rightarrow$ material ID
Geometry ID
Force material in CFD cells to follow the motion of overlapping elements
0 $\rightarrow$ no
1 $\rightarrow$ yes
Density (this line is only used if type=USER)
JWL coefficient
JWL coefficient
JWL coefficient
JWL coefficient
JWL coefficient
Internal energy per unit volume, released at detonation
Detonation velocity
Afterburn energy per unit volume at detonation time
Afterburn time parameter, controlling energy release rate
Heat capacity
default: $711.14 J/kg K$


This command is used to fill a region of the CFD_DOMAIN with a high explosive. Explosives can be detonated using CFD_DETONATION. The pressure is defined as:

$\displaystyle{ p = A \left( 1 - \frac{\omega}{R_1 V} \right) \mathrm{e}^{-R_1 V} + B \left( 1 - \frac{\omega}{R_2 V} \right) \mathrm{e}^{-R_2 V} + \omega e}$

where $V$ is the ratio of current density to initial density and $e$ is the current internal energy per unit volume. The remaining afterburn energy at coordinate $\mathbf{x}$ evolves according to:

$\displaystyle{ \frac{\partial e_{ab}}{\partial t} (\mathbf{x},t) = -\frac{e_{ab}(\mathbf{x},t)}{t_{ab}} }$

Parameter type can be specified as a preset, user, or as a material ID of a MAT_EXPLOSIVE_JWL command. If a material ID is specified, density, JWL coefficients, energy per unit volume and detonation velocity are extracted from the material and used as input. Available presets are listed below. The input parameters for these presets are presented on our website (Support > Verifier documentation > Verification of explosives).

Available presets:

$\begin{array}{ll} \textsf{ANFO} & \textsf{(Ammonium nitrate fuel oil)} \\ \textsf{C4} & \textsf{(Composition C-4)} \\ \textsf{COMPA} & \textsf{(Composition A-3)} \\ \textsf{COMPB} & \textsf{(Composition B, grade A)} \\ \textsf{HMX} & \\ \textsf{LX-10-1} & \\ \textsf{LX-14-0} & \\ \textsf{M46} & \\ \textsf{MCX-6100} & \\ \textsf{NSP-711} & \\ \textsf{OCTOL} & \textsf{(Octol 78/22)} \\ \textsf{PBXN-110} & \\ \textsf{PBXN-9010} & \\ \textsf{PETN} & \\ \textsf{TETRYL} & \\ \textsf{TNT} & \\ \end{array} $

The follow option is used when switching between a FE formulation for the undetonated explosive and a CFD formulation from detonation time and onwards. This is typically done by syncronizing the deactivation of elements (ACTIVATE_ELEMENTS) and the detonation (CFD_DETONATION).


High explosive defined by preset, user and material

This example demonstrates the different options for parameter type. The model consists of three spherical C4 charges. The first CFD_HE command uses the preset, the second command uses a user defined explosive, and the third command uses data extracted from a MAT_EXPLOSIVE_JWL command with material ID = 3. The data specified in the user defined explosive and in the MAT_EXPLOSIVE_JWL command is identical to the data used in the preset.

*PARAMETER tend = 2e-5, "Termination time" R = 0.05, "HE charge radius" D = 0.25, "Distance between HE charges" L = 1.0 , "CFD domain size parameter" dx = 5e-3, "CFD cell size" *UNIT_SYSTEM SI *TIME %tend # # --- CFD --- # *CFD_DOMAIN 1 ALL, 0, %dx, 1 -%L/2, -%L/4, -%L/4, %L/2, %L/4, %L/4 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 # *CFD_HE "Type specified as a preset" 1 C4, 1 *CFD_HE "Type specified as user" 2 USER, 2 1601, 609.8e9, 12.95e9, 4.5, 1.4, 0.25, 9.0e9, 8193 *CFD_HE "Type specified as a material ID" 3 3, 3 *MAT_EXPLOSIVE_JWL "C4" 3, 1601, 1.0e10, 0.3 1.0e7, 0, 0, 1.5, 2.0 609.8e9, 12.95e9, 4.5, 1.4, 0.25, 9.0e9, 8193 # *CFD_DETONATION "Preset" 1 -%D, 0, 0 *CFD_DETONATION "User" 2 0, 0, 0 *CFD_DETONATION "Material ID" 3 %D, 0, 0 # # --- GEOMETRIES --- # *GEOMETRY_SPHERE "Preset" 1 -%D, 0, 0, %R *GEOMETRY_SPHERE "User" 2 0, 0, 0, %R *GEOMETRY_SPHERE "Material ID" 3 %D, 0, 0, %R # # --- SENSORS --- # *OUTPUT_SENSOR "Preset" 1, CFD, -%D, 0, 0 *OUTPUT_SENSOR "User" 2, CFD, 0, 0, 0 *OUTPUT_SENSOR "Material ID" 3, CFD, %D, 0, 0 *END