
$\Delta t_{imp}$, $\Delta t_{ascii}$, $\Delta t_{db}$, fragment
nfilter, efilter, entype${}_{res}$, enid${}_{res}$, $N_{res}$

Parameter definition

$\Delta t_{imp}$
Output interval for complete model data (.imp-files)
default: $\Delta t_{imp}= t_{term}/100$
$\Delta t_{ascii}$
Output interval for ASCII data (.out-files)
default: $\Delta t_{ascii}=t_{term}/1000$
$\Delta t_{db}$
Output interval for model database and state files. No database or state files will be output if $\Delta t_{db}$ is larger than $t_{term}$ (see TIME)
default: a database file is generated at $t_{term}$
Flag to activate fragment list generation
0 $\rightarrow$ no fragment list generation
1 $\rightarrow$ FE fragment list is written to .imp-database
2 $\rightarrow$ SPH fragment list is written to .imp-database
3 $\rightarrow$ FE and SPH fragment list is written to .imp-database
Filter for node and discrete particle data that will be written to impetus.imp
0 $\rightarrow$ output all node data
1 $\rightarrow$ output displacements only
2 $\rightarrow$ do not output discrete particles
Filter for element data that will be written to impetus.imp
0 $\rightarrow$ output all element data
1 $\rightarrow$ output effective stress, plastic strain and damage
2 $\rightarrow$ output no element data
Entity type for state file output. The state file is an ASCII file in command format containing elements, nodes (coordinates and velocities) and contact information. Stresses, strains and state variables are output to a separate binary file.
options: P, PS, ALL
default: no state file
Entity ID for state file output
Number of cyclic alternating files for model database and state file output
options: $1 \leq N_{res} \leq 9$
default: $N_{res}=9$


This command contains output parameters, such as output frequency and filter. The filter is used to reduce the size of the .imp-files.

The output intervals are not necessarily constant. It is possible to define $\Delta t_{imp}$ and $\Delta t_{ascii}$ as functions of time by referencing to a CURVE. Database output can be controlled with a FUNCTION. The database files are written if the function returns a positive value.

If defining entype${}_{res}$ and enid${}_{res}$, elements and node coordinates will be written to the ASCII file impetus_state1.k. Node velocities are output in binary format to impetus_state_veloX.bin and the contact state is output to impetus_state_contactX.k. All state variables, stresses and strains are written to a binary file impetus_state1.bin. Note that impetus_state1.bin is included from impetus_stateX.k via the command INCLUDE_BINARY.


Time dependent output intervals

The global output (.imp file) and ASCII output (.out files) intervals are deinfed as functions of time. In this exampel the output frequencies are higher in the beginning of the simulation and lower as we approach the termination time.

*PARAMETER term = 0.1 dt_imp0 = 1.0e-4 dt_imp1 = 1.0e-3 dt_ascii0 = 1.0e-5 dt_ascii1 = 1.0e-4 *TIME [%term] *OUTPUT fcn(111), fcn(222) *CURVE "imp output interval" 111 0.0, [%dt_imp0] 0.01, [%dt_imp0] [%term], [%dt_imp1] *CURVE "ascii output interval" 222 0.0, [%dt_ascii0] 0.01, [%dt_ascii0] [%term], [%dt_ascii1]
Database output triggered by a function

An example showing how to trigger database output using a FUNCTION.

*SCRIPT_PYTHON database.py *PARAMETER term = 0.1 *TIME [%term] *OUTPUT 0, 0, fcn(333) *FUNCTION "database output trigger" 333 database.trigger(fc(33)) *CONTACT "contact between parts 1 and 2" 33 P, 1, P, 2

Python script database.py:

# fc = contact force between part 1 and part 2
flag = -1

def trigger(fc):
global flag

if (fc > 0 and flag == -1):
flag = 1
elif (flag == 1):
flag =-2

return flag