Material properties
"Optional title"
did, erode, noic
$\sigma_s$, $K_c$, $t_s$, $\alpha_s$, $\beta_s$
"Optional title"
did, erode, noic
$\sigma_s$, $K_c$, $t_s$, $\alpha_s$, $\beta_s$
Parameter definition
Unique damage identification number
Element erosion flag
Flag to turn off cracking along interface between different materials
Threshold stress (maximum principal stress) for initiation of fracture.
Stress intensity factor for crack propagation (only used with node splitting)
Time to initiate fracture at threshold stress
Exponent controlling time to initiate fracture
Parameter controlling the pressure dependency
This is a brittle fracture criterion. The material cracks once the damage parameter, $D$, has evolved from 0 to 1. The damage is defined as:
$D = \displaystyle{ \frac{1}{t_s} \int_0^{t} H(\bar{\sigma}_1 - \sigma_s) \cdot (\bar{\sigma}_1 / \sigma_s )^{\alpha_s} } \mathrm{d}t$
$\bar{\sigma}_1$ is defined as:
$\bar{\sigma}_1 = \sigma_1^{dev} - (1-\beta_s) \cdot p $
where $\sigma_1^{dev}$ is the maximum deviatoric principal stress and $p$ is the pressure. With $\beta_s = 0$, $\bar{\sigma}_1$ equals the maximum principal stress. Note that the damage only grows if $\bar{\sigma}_1 \geq \sigma_s.$
Crack propagation is controlled by a stress intensity criterion (if having node splitting activated). The stress intensity $K_I$ is estimated for the integration points surrounding the crack tip. The crack will propagate if $K_I > K_c$ (Modus I crack).